Monday, January 3, 2011

Valuable Love

When God's love becomes the MOST valuable thing in your life everyone will know.

As I was reading this morning I came to Luke 10:38-41. Most of us know this story, It's when Jesus came to the house of Martha. The Bible says that Martha was distracted and she wanted Mary to help her serve. Mary set at Jesus' feet.. Jesus responded that Martha was worried about many things, but ONE THING was needed, Mary has chosen that. Jesus was in Martha's house, yet she allowed herself to become so busy that she missed part of the blessing that was there, that blessing was His presence. 

Someone who's in love is constantly thinking about the next time they can get close to the one they love. God makes His presence available to us, saying seek & you shall find me WHEN you seek for me with your WHOLE heart. True love is not about what you get, or how the other person makes you feel. At times we like to give God a piece of our heart to make Him feel good... Oh, here God, I'll give you this part, that should be sufficient. Mary gave her attention, her time & her heart, she knew there was much to do, yet at that time nothing was more important than sitting at the feet of the one who loved her being awestruck by His presence & captivated by His words. 

This LOVE of God is what we are made for. I just think that's so awesome that we were created for the greatest thing in the world, love, yet we don't fully understand love. Joel 2 says rend you heart & not your garment. The garment is what is on the outside, the heart is the center of you, it holds your affections, the things that truly affect you. Jesus want's to consume your affections, He wants to be the one who affects you & He is extremely jealous for that position. To truly be consumed in love is: to want, need & completely desire to lay aside yourself & spend yourself on the one whom you love. 

The question is how valuable do we consider this love, your answer to that question will affect everything you do. Jesus had disciples, yet He had an inner circle, those who really, really, really enjoyed being with Him. This inner circle is still offered to you & I. That's pretty stinkin awesome to me, the King of Glory has offered me a coveted position, a coveted love, I must guard it with intensity.

Jesus said to the woman at the well that the Father seeks worshippers who will worship Him in Spirit & truth. Our lives should worship Jesus, He only did the things that pleased God. Our worship becomes untrue the moment we take our eyes off of our King, saying we love Jesus yet allowing our minds to be consumed with everything but His magnificent love. There's a difference from living with God encounters, and living in a consistent encounter. People with this life act different, they give different, and ultimately, they love different. They love the way Jesus loved because their heart now belongs to Him, they have allowed Him to invade every area of their heart, mind & will. MOses would have rather died in the desert than leave the desert without the manafest presence of God. An angel, to Moses wasn't sufficient to go with him, he wanted God or he wasn't leaving and because of this heart posture God not only went with him, but allowed him to see His glory. 

God is seeking an all out invasion into you, to be the ALL consuming fire. Is He not worth this type of intense value & worth above all things, even you yourself? Don't just say yes to that question without letting the truth of it affect your heart, that's what the Church has done & it's why people think we are fake. The world will know when we're truly in love. Mary coveted the position of being at Jesus' feet and beholding Him, she was wrapped in a selfless love, she knew that Jesus loved her... She didn't have to act, or preform, or even talk... She just had to be with Him, she sought not for blessings, her reward was Him.

If you don't love Him enough to lay anything down, anything, then He is not really God in your life. The things you won't lay down are God in your life. If His desires aren't put above yours in the arena of your heart than you are God in your life & you are really a humanist masking as a Christian. I know that's bold, but it's truth.

Jesus died not for comfortable Christianity, He died for those who would die & be born again into His life.. If people around you don't consider you as radical, I would question your love. You can not respond to the love of God any other way than radical pursuit. Is you heart consistently saying "Draw me away & I will run after you"? Ask Him to awaken passion in you. This love is valuable.. This relationship is valuable & it must be met with radical intensity. Ask Him right now, right where you are..  Breathe on my heart once again, & awaken passion Beautiful King, I want to love you rightly, to truly adore you. Draw me away & I will run after you, You are jealous for me, Your heart burns for me, let mine burn for You. Awaken my need for Your presence, awaken my hunger & thirst for You for in this You will awaken my heart, for in this you will awaken my life. Awaken me to behold your beauty for I am Yours & Your desire is towards me, ravish my heart, touching the parts that no one else can. Awaken me to Your beauty.. In Jesus name...

You are my desire...