Monday, November 26, 2012

Mindset of a transformer

The church is not relevant when we're trying to catch up with society, the church becomes relevant when we move to transform society by making them catch up with us...

Meaning: We say that we are the children of the most creative being that ever existed (God), that our Father is supernaturally creative. Yet 90% of the time we're trying to do what's already been done, instead of allowing the amazing creativity of God moving through us to move us beyond what's been done & give space for society to transform to catch up to us, We move to catch up with something that's already been done. It doesn't take as much faith to replicate what's been done, as it does to get out of the boat & move into a realm of supernatural creativity where you rely on God, not man, where you're inspired by Him not them. If we moved to the forefront, using God inspired creativity, when they ask "where did you get this idea?" You can glorify God.

Might I add, that the first ever instance recorded in the Bible where people were filled with the Spirit was in Exodus 31, where God filled a man with His spirit to CREATE ART! The church should be the most creative group of people on the Earth, because our ideas come from Heaven! Did you get that, literally, our ideas are out of this world. It's a difference of being transformed & not conformed. Transformers transform, that's what we're called to do. The only "model for success" we should follow is the one hand tailored by God for us. That's what Jesus did, He said, I only Say what I hear from my Father, I only do what I see from Him. Jesus had a model to follow & His crowds had people like Zaccheus climbing trees just to see Him, His words changed nations, transformed hearts & brought new life into hopeless people. If you want to draw a crowd, ask God for your ideas & not someone else.

Today, ask God to speak to you about this, ask Him what ideas He has for you..

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”
― Wayne Gretzky

"And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner of workmanship."
― God

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Thoughts on Theology

Theology never taught me to cast out a demon, love for the person who was tormented did. Theology never taught me to heal the sick, love for the sick person did. Theology never taught me to seek God till His presence manifests to me, love for God did. Theology can't teach you how to fall in love & that is the 1st commandment and what all of the law & prophets hinge on. If theology is sooo good why
 can't it teach you to do the most basic things God actually commanded. In my opinion most theological heavyweights go astray because they cling to theology when they should cling to passion & love. When their mind questions them, their love for God & others, which is the root of your faith, is not strong enough nor deep enough to sustain them. The majority of theological heavyweights in Jesus' day never knew Him, but a band of passionate guys called disciples did, they didn't know all the rules, they just knew they loved Jesus & they would follow Him anywhere, some times they fell, they lived with love challenging them to do more than all the religious theologians, especially when Jesus started talking about drinking His blood & eating His flesh. If you believe in God, you should seek Him diligently, you will eventually find out wether He is real and whether He is worthy of seeking or not. As for me, I know God is real, I saw His glory appear in my front yard much like Moses saw... No, I couldn't see His face, it was one of the greatest things that's ever happened to me, but theology never led me to the place to seek such an encounter, passion did.