Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rescued by Love

I was praying this morning & giving thanks to God that I am able to know Him, when out of my spirit flooded... "You have rescued me, You have rescued me!" Thoughts started flashing through my mind about the meaning of rescue & me being a rescue.

When you go to an animal shelter, or "rescue" you see animals that are caged, some wounded, removed from their families, stranded, abandoned, mistreated & confused. None of these started off saying "cool, I think I'll go to the place with all the cages & see if they can lock me up in there". Some came from good homes, but for a second saw outside of their yard & were tricked by a false sense of freedom & left the shelter of the one who loves them. Hate to say it, but many will be put to death if they stay caged too long & no one rescues them.

I thought of how much I was like that... Love was my rescuer, He saw me caged, from His throne He sent for me. His eyes saw me bound in my sin & He didn't despise me for my condition, yet moved with jealous compassion, He sent the most valuable, beautiful, costly payment to rescue me from the death that awaited. I knew that I wasn't worth the payment sent, yet when He rescued me He declared value to me, who before had been unworthy & too dirty to even look upon His face. Now, for the first time I knew what it was to be loved.. I.. I felt alive.

His voice, i've never known any other like it, not only can you hear Love when He speaks, you can feel it... Wow! Ohhh! It floods over me like healing ointment poured forth as my scars disappear & some kind of vivacious happiness takes over me. Many times as He speaks I can do nothing but fall at His feet as His words rip through my heart shattering fear calling me closer to Him. This... This is Love.

Love saw me in my most pitiful state, & the moment His eyes set upon me, He made a way for me to come & live in His house. Others leave Love at times, because they get drawn away, but I'll never leave, even if it costs me everything, nothing is of value if I can't be near Him. You see, He loved me so much that all I want to do is follow Him, He is a being of extreme beauty. I really can't let Love leave my sight, I can't afford to be away from Him, because every moment I can't see Him, or hear his voice, or feel His presence next to me I feel as if I'm dying again. He is my source of life & my food has become His words, everything good is found in Him, & I am willing to risk anything for this Love.

Love saw me, Love rescued me...

Epic story huh?
It's my life... ;)

1 comment:

  1. So awesome to read this. God is stirring up a people who are authentic and passionately in love with Him like they never have been before!
